Summer Camp FAQ

Q: What is the credit / refund / switch policy?
A: Each child is permitted one camp switch at no cost, after which there will be a $30 fee for each additional switch. Switches into a new camp can only occur if space allows. There are no refunds or credits for absence or withdrawal. Click here to read The Connection Summer Camp’s terms of enrollment.

Q: What do I need to register? 
A: Please be prepared to provide a list of your child’s allergies and medications, the date of their last tetanus shot, the date of their last physical exam, and the names and phone numbers of 3 emergency contacts. You can fill out your camper’s profile and fill out the required camp questions ahead of registration by clicking on their name in your account.

Q: Do I need a Program Membership?
A: All campers must have an active Program Membership to register and participate in our camp programs (the membership must be active during the registration date and program dates).  A membership is also required to be on a waitlist.  For information on our memberships, visit our membership page.

Q: How can I see which camps have available space?
A: In our Program Search, use the “Camp” tag to see our available camp programs.  Once a program type is selected, the camp weeks will be listed and can be filtered on the left side (such as camp date range and birthdate).  Available camps will read “spots available” and full camps will read “wait list” only.  For questions, please call Member Services at 908-273-4242 (ext 0).

Q: What if I’m on a wait list?
A: Our camp directors review the wait lists and try to accommodate campers when possible, though enrollment is not guaranteed.  Camp availability depends upon many factors including staff and activity space.  If we are able to accommodate your camper, you will be notified with an option to accept or decline (excluding Travel Camp).  An active membership is required to be on a wait list.

Q: How can I view my payment history and childcare tax documents?
A: Click here for a guide

Q: What do I need to pack for my camper?
A: Here is a list of things to pack each day. Please use a permanent marker to label everything with your child’s first and last name. 

  • Backpack or zipper tote to hold all your gear. 
  • Lunch Box + Water
    We are a NUT FREE camp, please pack lunches/snacks accordingly! We recommend an insulated lunch box, as lunches will not be refrigerated, and water bottle(s). A.M. camps should bring lunch, a snack, and water bottle. P.M. camps should bring a snack and water bottle. 
  • Sunscreen
    Although usually under a tent, campers will be outside everyday, weather permitting. Please send them with sunscreen already applied and we’ll assist with reapplying as needed.
  • Sneakers or Sport Sandals
    For safety sake, no crocs or flip flops, please! 
  • Swim gear
    Campers need a bathing suit, towel, goggles, and change of clothes every day. All campers must arrive in their bathing suits and bring clothes to change into after swim time. 

Q: How does Arrival and Dismissal work?
A: Morning drop off is staggered to alleviate traffic and crowding. Drop off ends at 9am.

  • Last names beginning with A-L: AM drop off is at 8:30AM.
  • Last names beginning with M-Z: AM drop off is at 8:45AM.

Morning pick up begins at 1:00pm and ends at approx. 1:15pm

Theater Camp (PM only) drop off begins at 12:40pm and ends at 12:50pm.

Afternoon pick up begins at 4:00pm and ends at approx. 4:15pm. 

AM Extended (7:30-9am) and PM Extended (4:00-6pm) Day parents should park and walk their child in/pick them up.

While we have a walk up line, we do prefer you use our car line. If in your car please stay in your car. If walking up please form a single file line in the marked area.

We verify anyone picking up using the names listed at the time of registration. Please be sure to include yourself when registering.

Q: How are campers grouped?
A: Morning camp groups are split by the grade they are entering in the fall. Afternoon specialty options are split by age.

Q: Can I request my child be placed in the same group as their friend?
You may put friend group requests into your child’s profile upon registration.  While we will try our best to accommodate, group requests are not guaranteed.

Q: What are the ratios for counselors to campers?
A: Counselors : Campers
5 yrs & under = 1:6
6-8 yrs = 1:8
9-14 yrs = 1:10

Q: What is your hiring process?
A:  Most of our staff are returning employees. All employees in the building are interviewed, screened, given a background check if they are over 18, and held to building and ACA (American Camp Association) standards.

Q: How often do campers swim?
A: All AM campers will have swim lessons from Monday through Thursday and free swim on Friday, pending appropriate staffing levels. Campers will not swim in the afternoon. *Swim time for travel campers varies based on their trip schedules.

Q: Do campers need to take a swim test for free swim?
A: Yes. If your child passes the swim test for free swim they will receive a color-coded wristband each week. Although counselors and lifeguards cross-check the list of who has passed the swim test, please have your child keep the wristband on all week.

Q: My child is new to swimming.  Do we need to pack swim vests or floaties?
A: Our aquatics staff will provide USCG approved life jackets for free swim for of the children who cannot swim on their own yet. Campers who pass the swim test do not need a life vest.

Q: How do you communicate with parents?
A: We will update our Parent Portal as much as possible with updates, photos, videos and daily activities. The best way to reach a Camp Director is via email. Please include your child’s first/last name in all emails.

Q: What is the credit / refund / switch policy?
A: Each child is permitted one camp switch at no cost, after which there will be a $30 fee for each additional switch. Switches into a new camp can only occur if space allows. There are no refunds or credits for absence or withdrawal. Click here to read The Connection Summer Camp’s terms of enrollment.

Q: What if I’m on a wait list?
A: Our camp directors review the wait lists and try to accommodate campers when possible, though enrollment is not guaranteed.  Camp availability depends upon many factors including staff and activity space.  If we are able to accommodate your camper, you will be notified with an option to accept or decline.  An active membership is required to be on a wait list.

Please contact for swim related questions.

*Please note, travel camp follows a different schedule from the rest of camp so please contact for travel camp questions.