New Rates for Personal Training and Private Instruction

Dear Members,

We want to inform you that, effective July 1st, we will be adjusting our pricing for personal training and private lessons. This decision was made after careful consideration and market analysis to ensure that we can continue delivering top-notch personalized training and instruction.

Private Lesson Rates (effective July 1)

  • 30 minute private session: $55
  • Pack of five 30-minute private sessions: $247.50
  • 1-hour private session: $77
  • Pack of five 1-hour private sessions: $346.50

Semi-Private Lesson Rates (effective July 1)

  • 30 minute semi-private session: $44 per person
  • Pack of five 30-minute semi-private sessions: $206.25 per person
  • 1-hour semi-private session: $61.60 per person
  • Pack of five 1-hour semi-private sessions: $288.75 per person

The above rates apply to all private and semi-private instruction in our dance, gymnastics, aquatics (30 minute sessions), fitness center and adult fitness programs. All sessions are valid for 1 year from purchase date.

We understand that any change in pricing can impact your budgeting decisions, so we wanted to give you advance notice to plan accordingly. Rest assured, we remain dedicated to offering exceptional value for the investment you make in your goals. Thank you for your continued support.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at or 908-273-4242.

Member Services Team
The Connection