March 2020
By: Danny Osias
Assistant Fitness Center Director
Imagine being able to tackle heart health, posture control, and full-body conditioning, all while having a very low impact on the joints. That is what The Connection’s NEW beginner-friendly Hydrow Indoor Rowing Machine allows you to do. It’s like the “Swiss army knife” of fitness! When you row, you are utilizing about 10% of your arms, 30% of your core and 60% of your legs for a total-body workout. Let’s walk through some of the benefits, specific muscles you can sculpt, and state-of-the-art features that you can take advantage of when you begin your new indoor rowing workout.
Benefits of Rowing
1. Improves Cardiovascular and Muscle Endurance
- Improves the lung’s ability to provide oxygen to the working muscles
2. Engages Major Muscle Groups

Benefits of The Connection’s new Hydrow Indoor Rowing Machine
- Legs: Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes
- Back: Traps, Lats
- Abs
- Arms: Biceps, Shoulders
3. Low Impact on the joints
- Great for those that want a heart-busting workout without the aches and pains.
4. Efficiently burn calories
5. Easy for Beginners
Those are just a few of the benefits of introducing a rowing workout using The Connection’s new Hydrow Rower to your fitness routine. Our new Hydrow Rower has a number of new features over a traditional rowing machine.
Hydro Rower Features
22’’ LCD Screen
- HD 1080p Touch screen Display with Wi-Fi, USB, and Bluetooth
- Compatible with most blue tooth headphones like Apple Air pods and beats headphones.
- Also compatible with Bluetooth heart monitors
On-Demand guided live rowing sessions from rowing instructors on the water or in the studio
- Short how-to Tutorials
- 5-45 minutes rowing sessions
Adjustable Magnetic Resistance
- Quieter belt than most rowers
Simple Account Creation for Members
- Join new Training Camp for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced users
Be held accountable and motivated through the 6-week program.
Interested in checking out our new equipment or having a demonstration lesson on how to use the new Hydrow Indoor Rowing Machine? Stop into the fitness center and speak with Russell or Danny today!