Giving Day

The Connection’s Annual Day of Giving
May 15, 2024

Stay connected to our mission by joining our community of generosity during The Connection’s Giving Day starting now until May 15th. 

Contribute to The Connection’s Giving Day Photo Mosaic!
Show your support and share memories in The Connection’s Giving Day Mosaic. Add your image to the mosaic and be a part of our community of philanthropy.

How does it work?
Your small image is grouped with others to create a larger digital picture. The completed mosaic will be revealed on Giving Day on Wednesday, May 15th.

Once you add your image(s) you can share on social media and use #ConnectionGivingDay to show your support! Shortly after uploading your images we will add it to the larger mosaic.

PHOTO DISCLAIMER I hereby grant permission to the rights of my image and likeness without payment and grant to all persons who have access to the images, permission to use my images to: copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, edit and reformat your images. By uploading my image(s), I acknowledge that I have completely read and fully understand the above release and agree to be bound thereby. I hereby release any and all claims against any person or The Connection utilizing this material for charitable purposes.