All live classes are free, just click the class name on the schedule below to register. After you provide your name and email you will receive a confirmation email for that class with the class link. Once you register you will have access to that class every week, so save your confirmation email to participate Read More …

Fitness Center Opening

July 6, 2020
We are now permitted to open the fitness center for one individual or household to exercise or receive a private lesson (observing social distancing rules). Beginning Thursday, July 9, the fitness center will be available to reserve one hour blocks of time from 7:15am to 5:30pm Monday through Friday. Please note the time blocks are structured to allow for thorough sanitizing between members. Read More …


Yoga with Linda B.  Lo Impact with Ro Pilates with Leslie R.  Light Strength Conditioning with Heather D. FIT with Victoria Zumba with Jocelyn Pilates with Victoria FIT with Valerie F. Zumba with Jocelyn Strength Training for Osteoporosis with Valerie R. Zumba with Victoria Yoga with Anita Yoga with Anita Cuts & Core with Sangeeta Read More …

Before and AfterSchool Program Fees

Dear Before and After School Parents, We want to thank you for your patience and continued support as we navigate this unprecedented situation together. As you know on Monday Governor Murphy announced schools would stay closed for the remainder of this school year. Since we follow the public school district and our building is still closed, before and after Read More …

Lucie’s Activity Theme Days to Keep Kids Learning and Having Fun

Keeping your youngest children happy and engaged while having to stay indoors can be a tough challenge even for the most creative parents out there. Lucie Kahn, The Connection’s Youth Specialty Director is currently developing and testing in real-time, great ideas to keep everyone learning, having fun and staying healthy along the way. “Let me Read More …