Camp highlights by our SummerFun Pros

Today marks the last day of summer camp 2018! Our campers spent the summer creating memories and making new friends, but it’s time for them to start their back to school shopping and prep for a new school year.  Before heading back to school we asked our SummerFun Pros to reflect on their summer and write about their favorite part of camp. Read More …

Volunteer Spotlight

Today, on Volunteer Appreciation day, we would like to introduce you to a few of our volunteers! 300 community members volunteer their time and talents at The Connection each year. These individuals are the driving force of our programs and the heart of our community. We thank them for their dedication, their enthusiasm, and for choosing to make a difference at The Connection. Read More …

A Letter From our Pathways Director

Gratitude is empowering. In 2003, I was first introduced to Pathways after being diagnosed with breast cancer by joining a Pathways support group. I was so thankful to be part of a group that helped me survive a very difficult journey. Fast forward to 2018…and I find that I am grateful to have much more involvement in this outstanding program. Read More …

5 Tips on how to Improve your Running Form

For the month of March, The Connection will be hosting a “Member’s Choice Marathon”. You, the member, can pledge to do a Marathon worth of miles throughout the month to benefit our Community Service and Scholarship Fund. Our job as Personal Trainers in the Fitness Center will be to help you run with good form so that you can achieve those miles with ease. Read More …

Dreaming Of Summer

Sunshine… the ice cream truck… sliding down our giant water slide… playing outside wearing only one layer… those summer days seem so far away! The truth is though; they are RIGHT around the corner! Miss Michelle, Miss Cassi, Miss Kelly, and me – Miss Jessica, are already so excited about summer! We cannot wait to share what we have planned and to get you and your children excited about summer as well. Read More …