Health and Wellness in College

Eating healthy, exercising and maintaining positive habits in college aren’t always easy. Most college students are always on the go, not prepping for the week, eating because of stress and/or anxiety and pulling all-nighters. Though some things are out of our control, most things can be managed with proper preparation and education. Read More …

Benefits of Training Your Biggest Muscle – Your Gluteus

By far, the largest and strongest group of muscles in your body are your gluteal muscles. Along with the hamstrings, they work together to extend, rotate and abduct the hip. They contribute to the stabilization of the pelvis during walking, running and climbing. Strong glutes and hamstrings can help improve posture and enhance athletic performance, as well as alleviate lower back, hip and knee pain. Read More …

Moroccan Spiced Chickpea Soup Recipe from the Pathways Cooks Kitchen

The wonderful volunteers of the Pathways Cooks Program provide nutritional support, free of charge, to women who are undergoing cancer treatment. We also provide meals to their family members, and currently have 6 children, aged 5 to 14 years old, receiving nutritious meals that are so important during the growing years. Read More …

Attention workout addicts, fitness enthusiasts and group fitness rookies!

A common “complaint” among individuals who work out three to six times a week is that they are sick of doing the same workouts over and over again on their own. Some people stick to the same workouts out of habit, or simply because they are inexperienced and too nervous to branch out. A great, comforting way to get out of this funk is to take a group fitness class. Read More …