My how our Preschoolers have grown…

It is mid –February and no better time to reflect on the past 6 months of preschool than on our 100th day of school! The uncertainty of the first days of school have changed to excitement, curiosity, and confidence. One of my favorite parts of the day is greeting the smiling faces filled with wonder each morning and listening to the chit-chat of friendships forming. Read More …

February Health and Fitness Tips of the Month

Health Tip of the Month: Eat Raspberries!
Raspberries are a good source of fiber, Vitamins A and C, calcium and iron…

Fitness Tip of the Month: Change up your routine!
Is the program we set you up with getting a little repetitive? That can happen if you do the same workout for too long, which is why we recommend you see us for other workout alternatives… Read More …

Cure Your Summertime Blues!

Have you been daydreaming about summertime and sunshine? The other Camp Directors and I sure are! We have so much exciting news about Summer Camp 2017 and we can’t wait to share our incredible variety of NEW options. Before I give you the updates I want to tell you how your child can experience a sampling of them prior to registration (February 8th). Read More …