Shake up your summer with Camp Theme Weeks!

After working with The Connection’s camp program for 14 years, some may think each summer becomes mundane… not for me! One of the ways I like to keep things fresh is by giving each week a fun theme! From dressing up in a Halloween costume on a random Thursday in July to wearing over-sized sunglasses and a wig while taking silly photos with friends, I think the themes sprinkle a little more excitement into each camper’s day. Read More …

Health and Fitness Tip of the Month: April

Health Tip: Don’t Drink Sugar Calories
Sugary drinks are the most fattening thing you can put into your body. Liquid sugar calories aren’t registered by the brain the same way calories from solid foods are….
Fitness Tip: Make Time Spent in the Gym Worth Your While
Keep your weight workouts under an hour. After 60 minutes, your body starts producing more of the stress hormone cortisol…. Read More …

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Today was a big day in our Connection Preschool classroom, we sent our butterflies out into the world! Over the past few weeks the preschoolers have been learning about the butterfly life cycle. The preschoolers learned that caterpillars spend a great deal of time eating to gain the nutrients they will need to prepare for their “quiet time” in their chrysalis. Read More …

So you want to send your child to camp for the very first time?

Summer is quickly approaching and The Connection is getting excited for camp 2017! I am very eager to begin Guppies Camp in just a few short months. I loved getting to meet some of our newest Guppies at the Camp Open House in January. This year, The Connection is offering a NEW full day option for its youngest campers. Parents are now able to choose from a half day (9am-1pm) or a full day (9am-4:30pm) program. Read More …

Class of the Month: TRX

Mary D’Amato is a certified Personal Trainer and has worked in many capacities at The Connection, including instructing Water Aerobics, Summer Camp, Tri-Training for Kids, Group Fitness Instruction and Personal Training. She has great enthusiasm for fitness (Ocean Mile Swims, Track and cycling) and has been a member of The Connection for over 30 years! She shares with us one of her favorite workouts, TRX: Read More …