Walk, don’t run to The Connection this fall!

Did you miss our “Walking Soccer” workshop this summer? Participants had a blast and got a great cardio workout in a class that is exactly what it sounds like: soccer without the running and without the impact. You can still join in on the fun, because Walking Soccer is the newest addition to our Adult Fitness Schedule this fall for Total Facility Members! Read More …

Fun Facts about our Summer Camp Counselors!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017 When they aren’t paling around with our campers, what are our Summer Camp Counselors up to? Read on for some fun facts about our outstanding summer staff! Devin O’Brien – Devin was an extra in a TV show and appears on playbill.com for being in the 1st High School production of American Idiot. Read More …

Stad’s Crabfest Donation Benefits Pathways Cooks

‘Pathways Cooks’, a program of The Connection that provides nutrient rich meals to women undergoing cancer treatment and their families, has received a $5,000 donation via the 12th Annual “Stad’s Crabfest” held in Westfield, where 125 guests enjoyed a feast from the sea in support of cancer-related charities. Read More …

Small Ways You Can Make a Big Difference

The Connection is committed to be a place that provides vital community service to those individuals who need us most. A place where everyone can participate and feel welcome, regardless of their economic circumstance. Here are a few small ways you can help us make a big difference in the lives of people right here in our community: Read More …

Health and Fitness Tip of the Month: June

Health Tip: When eating a meal, don’t forget your veggies! It’s easy to leave a restaurant without touching any vegetables except french fries–unless you routinely order a side dish of broccoli…
Fitness Tip: Set Goals, Workout with a purpose. Set short-term goals—and reward yourself for achieving them. Is there a local walk/run that you always wanted to participate in? Read More …

Health and Fitness Tip of the Month: May

Fitness Tip: Eat slowly digesting carbs before your workout
Researchers at Loughborough University (UK) discovered that when athletes ate slow-digesting carbs such as whole grains for breakfast and lunch…
Health Tip: Vary Your Activities
One of the best ways to stay interested in fitness is to participate in a mix of activities…
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