Camp Procedures

Summer Camp 2020
These policies and procedures are based on COVID-19 standards and guidelines from the New Jersey Dept. of Health and American Camp Association.

Face Covering

Campers and their counselors do not have to wear face coverings when with their groups. Counselors will be required and campers will be encouraged to wear masks when social distancing of 6 feet between groups is not possible. These situations include but are not limited to – drop off and pick up, walking in the hallway, and trips to the restroom.

Each camper will be provided with a ziplock bag to store their mask when not in use. They will be assisted by a counselor.  

Parents who are walking their child(ren) to camp will be required to wear a face-covering while on the property.

Camp Drop Off & Pick Up

Campers will be dropped off at staggered times and placed into their groups for a special morning activity. Drop off times will be in 3 stages staggered by 15 minutes starting at 8:15am and ending at 9:00am.

Campers will be picked up at staggered times and released from their groups while engaged in a special afternoon activity. Pick up times will be in 3 stages staggered by 15 minutes. Morning camp pick up times will start at 1:00pm and end by 1:45pm. Full Day camp pick up times will start at 4:15pm and end at 5:00pm.

Each day parents will be required to complete a brief health screening questionnaire prior to bringing their child(ren) to camp.

Staff will take a child’s temperature with a touchless forehead thermometer while they are in the car (or prior to a parent’s departure if they are not in a car). All Connection staff will receive a daily health screening and temperature check prior to entering the building’s public spaces.

Children will not be permitted to attend camp and staff will not be permitted to work if they have a fever of 100.4 or above, exhibit any other signs of COVID-19, or have been exposed to a suspected or confirmed case of the virus. Should such a situation occur, The Connection will adhere to the NJ Dept of Health and CDC procedures regarding notifying other camp families and staff as well as in determining when a camper or staff member may return.

If a camper develops a fever or signs of COVID-19 related symptoms during camp, the parent/caregiver will be immediately notified and the child will be isolated with a staff member. These steps will be taken in such a manner as to not upset the child.

Daily Procedures

Campers will wash their hands with soap and water throughout the day and frequent use of the hand sanitation stations located throughout the building will be encouraged. Every counselor will have a hand sanitizer bottle stored in their group’s backpack.

Groups of 10 children in addition to the appropriate ratio of staff will remain the same each session. All groups will maintain a 10 foot distance from other groups.

Social distancing markers and signage regarding safety protocols will be present throughout the building.

All staff and campers who have passed the health screening will be permitted to enter the building. No other visitors, including parents/caregivers, will be permitted inside the building.

All policies and procedures set forth by the New Jersey Department of Health will be followed for any positive/potential COVID-19 cases.

All activities will adhere to NJ DOH standards including no contact sports, field trips, or multi-group competitions.

A deep cleaning of the facility will be conducted prior to the reopening of our building.

Enhanced cleaning and disinfection procedures will be followed using EPA approved disinfectants and following CDC guidance.

In addition following CDC guidance for enhanced cleaning and disinfecting procedures throughout the building, rooms including surface areas, chairs, equipment will be disinfected with EPA approved products after a camp group exits. The Connection has purchased a misting sprayer to assist the process.

Restrooms will be disinfected every hour and cleaned as necessary.

As an exercise facility, we have quality ventilation and all air filters are HEPA and new. Whenever possible, facility windows and doors will be open and fans will circulate air. 

Equipment that must be shared will be disinfected prior to and at the conclusion of each use. Campers will receive individual supply packets for activities such as arts and crafts to use throughout the week.

Staff Training
Camp counselors and staff will be thoroughly trained according to New Jersey Dept of Health standards addressing hygiene/sanitation, PPE, COVID-19 signs and symptoms, and infection control.

Additionally, camp counselors will receive training and guidance from a mental health professional regarding the potential impact of COVID-19 on children.

All staff will adhere to Connection, American Camp Association, and State policies and procedures.